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므낫세의 기도 영어버젼

조회 수 16985 추천 수 0 2010.02.20 09:04:46

1 O Lord Almighty,

God of our ancestors

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

and their righteous descendants,

2 you who created heaven and earth with all their orderly arrangement,

3 who shackled  the sea by the word of your command,

who closed up the abyss and sealed it by your awesome and glorious name;

4 at whose power all things shudder and tremble,

5 for your glorious magnificence is unbearable,

and the wrath of your threat against sinners cannot be resisted.

6 Yet your promised mercy cannot be measured or scrutinized.

7 For you are the Lord Most High,

compassionate, longsuffering, and extremely merciful,

and relenting at human misfortunes.

8 Therefore, O Lord God of the righteous,

you have not appointed repentance for the righteous,

such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who have not sinned against you,

but you have appointed repentance to me a sinner.

9 Because my sins outnumber the sand of the sea;

my lawless acts have increased, O Lord, they have increased,

and I am not worthy to gaze upon or to see the height of heaven

due to the multitude of my unrighteous acts.

10 I am bent over by the weight of many an iron bond;

consequently  I am ready to give up because of my sins.

I have no rest,

because I have provoked your wrath

and have committed evil in your sight,

erecting abominations and increasing the number of idols.

11 So now I bow, begging for your kindness.

12 I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned,

and I fully recognize my lawless acts.

13 I sincerely beseech you:

forgive me, O Lord, forgive me!

Please do not destroy me along with my lawless acts!

Do not bear a grudge forever against me and thereby store up calamities for me.

Do not sentence me to the lowest parts of the earth.

For you, O Lord, are the God of those who repent.

14 May you demonstrate your goodness in me.

For although I am unworthy you will deliver me by your great mercy.

15 And I will praise you continually all the days of my life.

For all the powers of heaven sing praises to you.

And yours is the glory forever. Amen.

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